Saturday, September 20, 2008

Don't fall for it.

Look at this number.


That's ten billion, three hundred and eighteen million, dollars.

That's how much profit health care insurance companies made in one year, as of the April 17th, 2006 issue of Fortune.

None of that money went to healthcare.

This is always the excuse the Republicans give: "Oh, we can't afford that."

Yet, they can afford wars and Wall Street bailouts. Which are much, much, much more expensive, AND do not create anything in return.

So, don't fall into their frame.

Every penny of profit the insurance company makes from health care is now up for grabs. That is a considerable amount of money, isn't it? And yet, in terms of getting healthcare to people, it's all wasted.

If a parent spends money on drunken expeditions to Vegas, and then claims they can't buy the kids shoes, we call them on it.

We don't need the insurance companies to give us healthcare.

We don't need drunken expeditions to Vegas.

Call them on it.


  1. Good stuff.

    You're always on the ball.


    That's ten billion, three hundred and eighteen million, dollars.

    That's how much profit health care insurance companies made in one year, as of the April 17th, 2006 issue of Fortune.

    None of that money went to healthcare.

    This is always the excuse the Republicans give: "Oh, we can't afford that."

    Yet, they can afford wars and Wall Street bailouts. Which are much, much, much more expensive, AND do not create anything in return.


    I love to drop by your place.

    Keep sticking it to them!

    We need your voice.

    Carry on.


  2. Anonymous6:24 PM

    U rock!
