"About the King of Kings Statue: Height: 62': Weight: Approximately 16,000 lbs: Over 8000 man-hours in development and installation. Located in Monroe, OH."
"Solid Rock Church is anything but the “Normal Church.”"
I'm just quoting them here. I have no reason to doubt them. They are definitely a lively bunch. They don't have just a choir, they have a "FireChoir." Their Mission: "We have made up in our minds that we are going to continue to build and to work until Jesus comes back."
Upcoming Event? "Business Ministry... Whether you are thinking about starting a business or already have a business, this seminar will teach you how to navigate the evolution cycle to maximize your business profits." Evolution! Tell me more. Well, the Life Christian Bible Institute offers these upcoming classes:
"Modern Cults I - Counseling with Scripture - Emerging Issues in Biblical Counseling II - Christian Literature"
Gee, they are planning more about Modern Cults. I wonder if you need Modern Cults I as a prerequisite for Modern Cults II? That's usually the way, unless you can show you know enough about them to get a waiver.
I must say they have a snazzy website. Most Church websites are woefully evocative of the My-Nephew-Has-A-Computer syndrome. So 21st century:
"i.tithe online is a new way of fulfilling your commitment to God. - This electronic funds transfer system alleviates the need for you to write a check, or count out cash for tithes and offerings. You will also benefit from the accuracy in crediting your giving to the proper membership number. Solid Rock will benefit by a reduction in administrative work allowing us to concentrate more on the work of Christ!"
Sounds like they know how to run a Business Ministry, all right. For instance, there's the Christian Business Directory.
"BUSINESS RESOURCE MINISTRY MISSION - The mission of the Business Resource Ministry is to bridge the gap between the business community and the church, which will ultimately lead to winning souls for the kingdom of God."
They have a food pantry, and a "Clothes Closet." They are givers, certainly. But then there's this: "Break Out Ministries (Da’ B.O.M.) This is a high energy, high impact program that ministers to children from low-income areas of our community. This is our opportunity to pour into their life God’s Word by doing praise & worship songs, games, and biblical lessons."
I can't help but wonder if these children don't need just a little bit more to help them get a leg up on their lives.
Because I was there when my corporation was taken over by Southern Baptist Businessmen. (You can always tell an SBB by the way they treat their employees. Let me put it this way: They are sorry Lincoln freed the slaves.) I was there when they badgered people using public transportation to get there 45 minutes early instead of fifteen minutes later. When they would give three people's work to one person and substitute an uplifting talk for a raise. When they fired people months short of them getting vested in the pension program.
So I'm a little skeptical.
And the statue? Imposing, certainly. Emblematic? You bet.
Because I thought Jesus walked on water.
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